Beedrill was never actually used by Ash he caught this Pokemon in Johto's famous Bug Catching Contest and gave it to his friend Nanako shortly afterward. Heracross was caught early on by Ash but soon found a home at Oak's lab, where he remains unless Ash calls on him for battle. after Charizard left he wanted a new Fire-type and found Cyndaquil). Ash largely focused on building a new team similar to his old one (i.e. Snorlax does not fight very often, but the massive Pokemon is a powerhouse and one of Ash's strongest contenders.Īsh's Pokemon from Kanto leave for training or simply return to Oak's lab throughout his early Johto adventures, each being replaced by a new Pokemon over time. Lapras and Snorlax have stepped in to fill the gaps left by Pidgeot and Butterfree, though Lapras does leave his team towards the end of the saga. Ash goes to the Safari Zone and, as a running gag, each time he throws a Safari Ball a Tauros runs by and gets in the way, resulting in him catching an entire herd. Ash's level 30 Tauros were caught in an infamous episode that was banned in the U.S. They did participate in the Kanto League, where they won matches Ash likely would have otherwise lost. Krabby and Muk were both caught and immediately sent to Oak's lab. Although Primeape is technically still Ash's, it has not made an appearance within the show since.

Primeape was with Ash for only a few short episodes before leaving to train with a Fighting-Type specialist. Raticate was only owned by Ash for one episode he traded one of his Pokemon for Raticate but regretted his choice and traded it back. Tauros, Muk, and Kingler all offer to battleĪsh's remaining Kanto Pokemon all have their own special circumstances that stopped them from being used on his main team. Pidgeot was also released to the wild in one of the very last Kanto episodes. Butterfree does eventually leave his team, but even with more Pokemon available Ash opts to only use his other five main Pokemon for most of his remaining time in Kanto. The team is well balanced and largely set the standard for Ash capturing a Fire, Water, Grass, and Flying-type in each region. All of Ash's Pokemon (bar Squirtle and Primeape) at the end of Best Wishes!Īsh and his Pokemon huddle together in a snowstormĪsh's Pokemon team consists of Pokemon from his home region, Kanto.